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MPW College

MPW College

About This Institution

MPW College

Founded in 1973 by three Cambridge graduates, MPW Group is one of the most popular private colleges in the United Kingdom.
This gymnasium enables and guarantees all students a place in top ranked universities in the UK but also in the USA, Europe and Australia. MPW has campuses in London, Birmingham and Cambridge. The programs that are possible are: A Levels, GCSE and Foundation.

Students are attracted and like this gymnasium very much for a large number of reasons such as:

  • High quality teaching
  • Student results are improving year after year
  • Opportunity to win a place in top ranked universities
  • Academic support dedicated to each student
  • Extensive extra-curricular program
  • Perfect location and campuses in London, Birmingham and Cambridge
  • The gymnasium offers many extracurricular activities, which helps students connect with each other and be social and family.
  • MPW offers about 3000 different study programs.

At MPW you can study different branches such as:

  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Economics/Business
  • Art and Architecture
  • Engineering

Klasat me pak nxenes, mesueset e perkushtuar dhe mjedisi shume familjar jane gjerat me te mira rreth ketij gjimnazi. Studimi ne MPW ka ndyshuar menyren time te te mesuarit dhe perceptimin tim mbi jeten. Tashme ndihem shume e gatshme dhe e plotesuar per te vazhduar rrugetimin tim drejt universitetit. Te gjithe akademiket jane shume te gatshem per te ndihmuar dhe jane shume suportues. Gjate studimit ne kete gjimnaz kam mesuar dy gjera: se pari mos te kem frike te bej gabime dhe se puna e lodhshme do vleresohet gjithmone.- Kejda, studente  nga StudyCare.


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