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Robert Gordon University

Robert Gordon University

About This Institution

Robert Gordon University

One of the few universities located in Aberdeen, Scotland, Robert Gordon University is the perfect choice for all students who want to study in one of the most successful academic institutions in the United Kingdom but want to live more freely than in England.

  • With over 95% of graduates getting a job within 6 months after graduation, Robert Gordon University has an easy time attracting local and foreign students.
  • Robert Gordon University is named as the best modern university in Great Britain according to the "Times Good University Guide".
  • One of the oldest universities which dates back to the 18th century, built by Robert Gordon.

Study various Bachelor and Master programs such as:

  1. Engineering
  2. Economy
  3. Marketing
  4. Design
  5. Legal
  6. Communication
  7. Etc.

"Njerezit ne Skoci jane nder njerezit me mikprites ne komplet Europen dhe jam ndjere qe ne momentin e pare si ne shtepine time. Normalisht kjo me ndihmoi qe te dal shume me mire se ce prisja ne universitet."-Goran nga Bosnja


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