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University of Dayton

University of Dayton

About This Institution

University of Dayton

Located in one of the 100 most peaceful and good places to live, such as Ohio, the University of Dayton opens more and more doors for international students. The University of Dayton offers everything Ohio has to offer for students and all companies operating in this state prioritize the employment of students who graduate directly from this university and now through StudyCare all programs of this university come Direct Entry.

  • Ranked #1 university with the largest federal support for scientific research and necessary academic materials.
  • In the list of Top 130 best Universities in the country and eventually in the world according to "US News and World Report, 2022".
  • One of the 8 best private universities that do not offer Medicine programs, with a fund among the highest in the country for foreign students.

Study various Bachelor and Master programs such as:

  1. Engineering
  2. Economy
  3. Marketing
  4. Design
  5. Legal
  6. Communication
  7. Etc.

*Direct Entry Available*

"Nje gje qe me ka bere pershtypje dhe me ka terhequr shume te University of Dayton eshte gjithmone perpjekja dhe shtysa qe te gjithe te jene te vecante dhe te ndryshem nga njeri tjetri e gjithmone duke na inkurajuar qe te bashkepunojme pavaresisht gjithckaje tjeter."-Yu Zhao nga Kina


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